magazine rh 5785


September 2024 תשרי תשפ"ה

Supporters of Laniado Hospital in Netanya, P.O.Box 7110, 8 Rechov Smilansky, Netanya

Gala Tribute & Souvenir Brochure 12 th November 2024 at 591 – Carmel Hotel, Netanya

Nadav Elchanan Knoller הי"ד

Dr Geoffrey & Mary Jane Pollack Rofeh Cholim / Heal the Sick Award

Master Sergeant , Nadav Knoller הי"ד the son of Eli Knoller , Director of the Supporters of Laniado, fell in battle in the Netzarim Corridor in Gaza on 26 Sivan/ July 1, 2024 . He was called to IDF Infantry duty

Geoffrey (Gedalya Chaim), a physician , and Mary Jane (Miriam), a musician, made Aliyah from New York City to Jerusalem on August 31, 2016 (27 Menachem Av 5776). A year later, when Geoff was

as Master Sergeant in reserves on October 7 th /Simchat Torah while visiting his grandparents in the United States. He returned immediately to Israel & served over 200 days since. Nadav was 30 yrs. old, married for five years to Hadar , and they had a baby boy, 16 months old , Yaer . He was a graduate of Ariel University where he received his BA in communications and worked as a regional manager and analyst for a communications company. He left not only his wife and a child but also his father and four siblings. He was the family member to whom his dozens of cousins and hundreds of friends all turned to for advice on a wide range of things. He never complained and never judged or accepted a compliment, and never took credit. He was truly special – the best. Nadav always had a smile on his face and a joke on the tip of his tongue. He was happy, fun, handsome, charming, upbeat, selfless and caring. The Board of the Supporters of Laniado decided to honour Nadav ’s memory by dedicating an Emergency Room Cubicle in the new Sheltered Emergency Hospital . May his memory be for a blessing .

appointed Director of the newly created E.N.T. Institute at Laniado Hospital , they relocated to Netanya, a twelve- minute walk “skin to skin” to the hospital.

Several years later, they are happy and grateful to Hashem to be part of this wonderful medical and spiritual community by the sea, which generously contributes, repeatedly, the necessary financial support to ensure the best care and success of Laniado Hospital . The Board of the Supporters of Laniado , has decided to award the Pollacks the Rofeh Cholim/Heal the Sick Award , to recognize their exemplary love, dedication and above and beyond professional leadership, to all members of the Netanya community.


A Message from the Chairperson

I welcome you to the Rosh Hashanah Edition of the Supporters Magazine . I am pleased to report that the Hospital’s new state-of-art Intensive Care Department is now operational, and would like to thank all our Supporters for their generosity and help in raising the funds for this project. We, as Supporters , were responsible for fitting one of the ICU rooms with medical equipment and furnishings. We have also funded a Sheltered Maternity room in the new Maternity Ward C as well as raised over 200,000 NIS during the emergency war effort. Our annual supper quiz was held on the 22nd of May - It was both a financial and social success and our thanks go to all participants for their support. Once again we must thank Alan Gold for providing us with many thought- provoking and enjoyable questions. This year saw the return of the Dixieland Jazz Concert on the 16th of June with Ari Gerber and Renie Hirsch as co-chairs. Over 250 tickets were sold and the event was a major financial success. We are delighted to announce that our Annual Fund-raising Gala Event will take place on Tuesday 12th of November . We have a new exciting venue 058-788-7402 Rachel Shore, Vice-Chairperson; 054-487-7112 Paul Kutner, Treasurer: 054-285-6671 Michael Jacobs, Proof Reader: 054-898-6862 Vivienne Simenoff, Cards: 054-761-2763 Stephanie Plaskow, Tzedakah Boxes: 054-643-9062 Ari Gerber ) Joint Functions 054-465-5927 Ken Bender) Co-ordinators : 053-373-3865 Sue Levy, Typist & Graphics: 054-581-5125 Eli Knoller, Editor, Development & Community Relations 052-634-5741 Ken Schwartz, Chairperson:

at the 591 Event Center , Netanya and we are so pleased that once again entertainment will be provided by “Kippalive ” with an all new programme. We will be raising funds for Emergency Room Cubicles in the new Sheltered Emergency Hospital. Master Sergeant, Nadav Knoller ד " הי , the son of Eli Knoller , Director of the Supporters of Laniado, fell in battle in the Netzarim Corridor in Gaza on 26 Sivan/ July 1, 2024. The Board of the Supporters of Laniado decided to honor Nadav's memory by dedicating an Emergency Room Cubicle in the new Sheltered Emergency Hospital. May his memory be for a blessing. We will be also be presenting Dr. Geoffrey & Mary Jane Pollack with the Rofeh Cholim Award . In support of this event we will be producing a Souvenir Brochure . The full details are on our website where you can purchase tickets for the event and place a message in the brochure. On behalf of the Board of the Supporters may I wish you Shana Tova U’metukah – כתיבה וחתימה טובה Ken Schwartz Chairman Supporters Office: 09-860-4785 Fax: 09-882-1069 For on-line tax deductable donations in various currencies: web site: : email: Supporters on Facebook: There is also a Supporters of Laniado YouTube Channel If you are on Facebook, please join the "Supporters of Laniado" Facebook page by liking it. Then you can see up-to-the-minute pictures and health-related items



A letter from Eli Knoller, Director of Development & Community Affairs

Dear Friends and Supporters , As we reflect back on 5784, it is clear that this has been one of the most dramatic and challenging years for us as a People and as a country. Unfortunately, we witnessed the deep divisions within Israeli society. Jews protesting against the rights of other Jews to pray in public on Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv, and others declaring they would not serve in the army under what they deemed a "dictatorship." Then, suddenly, on Simchat Torah, October 7, everything changed. The unprovoked attack and brutal massacre of hundreds of fellow Jews, soldiers and civilians alike, deeply impacted our nation's sentiment . This same tragic event, however, brought out the very best in the People of Israel. Young soldiers courageously ran into the inferno of battle, to save Jewish lives. Many young men and women interrupted their post-army trips abroad to return and fight for the honor of our people and country. One of these young men was my dear son, Nadav Elchanan Knoller, הי"ד , who was visiting my in-laws in the United States for the holidays, with his wife and infant son. He immediately returned to Israel and joined his reserves infantry unit, where he served over 200 days of miluim (reserve duty) during the year. Tragically, he fell in battle in the Netzarim Corridor on July 1 / 26 Sivan . I am very proud of my 3 sons and son-in-law who answered the call to duty and continue to do so. We can all be very proud that Laniado Hospital played an active role in saving the lives of both soldiers and civilians who were brought to us for care. Dozens of our staff members were drafted, and many have been serving in the IDF for months on end. Nurses, whose spouses were drafted, continued to report to work for

their shifts, day and night, in order to provide the best in class healthcare. Yet, despite all the chaos and missing staff, Laniado has remained a bastion of strength and resilience, always keeping an eye on the future. We have opened our state-of-the-art General ICU Department , our new Cardiology Physiology Unit , as well as our Gynecology-Oncology operating rooms . We are set to open our PICU (Paediatric Intensive Care Unit) at the end of September. Work is scheduled to resume on the Sheltered Maternity C Department in October, providing another 46 beds for mothers, after childbirth The hospital administration has also launched an ambitious five-year , $33 million New Sheltered Emergency Hospital Mega Project , which will take Laniado into the next century. The Supporters of Laniado are active participants in all these projects through our various fundraising efforts, including e cards for Rosh Hashanah, the Dixieland Jazz Concert, the Fish Dinner & Quiz Night, as well as our upcoming Gala Event, on November 12 th , to benefit the building of Emergency Room Cubicles in the New Sheltered Emergency Hospital I thank you for your unwavering support of our hospital enabling us to provide state of the art healthcare to over 500,000 residents in Netanya and the Sharon area. May we all be blessed in the upcoming New Year with Health, Happiness and Strength on both a National and personal Level. Shana Tova! Eli Knoller Director, Supporters of Laniado

Letters to the Editor

To: Laniado Hospital From: Anne Silverman- 10.04.2024

I am delighted to be able to express my appreciation for the care and attention afforded to me when I was suddenly hospitalized last week for a heart irregularity. Both in the Emergency and Cardiology departments the medical staff were excellent and should be commended. Kol Hakavod to them. To be honest I am actually amazed to be able to write this thank you letter as one always hears how it is good to donate to Laniado but not to have to be a patient, but my admittance proved this not to be the case ! Constructively if there is anything negative to be said, it is that breakfast leaves a lot to be desired, and lunch/supper although very tasty, would be more enjoyable if they were served hot. Finally, being startled at 03.00 when a patient is brought in to one’s room with so much noise (as if there was a hurricane) and with lighting put full on, it is enough to give anyone in the Cardiac ward a heart attack if they were not already suffering there from such.


The New Sheltered Emergency Hospital

Mega project in Laniado Hospital – The construction of a huge, innovative and protected emergency medicine hospital at a cost of NIS 130 million The five-year strategic plan of Laniado Hospital has been revealed. The flagship project in the plan is construction of a protected emergency medicine hospital, with an area of 4000 square meters . The construction will be completed by the end of 2027. This is phase A of a plan to build a hospital tower with an area of 16,000 m2. Laniado is launching the hospital's five-year plan for the coming years, with the main goal being the construction of a protected hospital for emergency medicine. Today, Laniado Hospital has an emergency medicine department with 26 beds - the department is not protected at all, and in 2023, over 60,000 ER visitors came to the department! The protected hospital will make it possible to maintain functional continuity, in all the various emergencies, first and foremost rocket fire from the northern area or from the Samaria area. Many resources were invested in the planning of the protected hospital, in order to provide a clinical response to the approximately 500 thousand residents of the city of Netanya and the Sharon area, expecting significant demographic growth in the coming years . The project with an area of 4000 square meters , fully protected for any scenario and contains treatment areas for inpatients (50 inpatient beds + 10 ambulatory beds for short-term treatments), ambulatory patients,

an orthopedic and surgical emergency room, a trauma center, various imaging examination rooms (X-ray, ultrasound, CT, etc.) . The protected emergency medicine hospital will contain 60 hospital beds, as well as an area for walking patients and of course very spacious living spaces for the concerned family members . Construction of the protected emergency medicine hospital is a project of strategic value to the State of Israel. In addition, under the protected hospital for emergency medicine, a huge underground parking lot with 3 levels will be built that will be used as an emergency hospital for additional inpatient wards, so that the entire Laniado Hospital will be able to maintain continuity of work at any given moment. The CEO of Laniado Hospital , Mr. Nadav Chen , said: "This project is our flagship project in the years to come. I dare to state that this is a project with National importance. It is impossible that more than half a million residents of the State of Israel will not receive emergency medical care in the north, and God forbid, they have forced us to speed up the implementation - for the sake of the health and well-being of the residents of Netanya. We will do everything necessary to finish the construction of the first phase - a protected hospital for emergency medicine that also includes an underground parking lot that becomes an emergency hospital - by the end of 2027. This is a very ambitious, important, project and we all pray that there will never be a need for the missile protected hospital!"


Leo & Betty Gruss Charitable Trust Our thanks go to Tony Levine for introducing us to the Leo & Betty Gruss Charitable Trust which recently donated several major items of medical equipment to our Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. Have you checked out our new website?





591 – CARMEL HOTEL, NETANYA 7.00 P.M. TICKETS: 600 nis 2 tickets AND 350 nis per ticket PLEASE HELP LANIADO HOSPITAL BUILD OUR NEW SHELTERED EMERGENCY HOSPITAL OUR EVENING IS BEING HELD TO PURCHASE TWO EMERGENCY ROOM CUBICLES – AT A COST OF 360,000 SHEKEL One will be dedicated in the name of Nadav Elchanan Knoller הי"ד , son of Eli Knoller, Laniado Hospital’s Director of Development & Community Affairs We will also be presenting Dr Geoffrey & Mary Jane Pollack with the Rofeh Cholim Award – Dr Geoffrey is the Department Head of Laniado ’ s Ear Nose & Throat Department

FEATURING: KIPPALIVE ISRAELI ACAPELLA SAVE THE DATE BY BOOKING YOUR PLACES NOW Please make up a table of 10 – 12 people and book your tickets by phoning the office 09-860-4785 or

-gala/ https://l

Laniado Ranks #1 in National Hospitals ’ Metrics measured by the Israel Ministry of Health

Key findings of the report by the Ministry of Health regarding Emergency Rooms in Israeli Hospitals found our Laniado Hospital on the top of the list. Kudos to our hard working ER staff who are on call at the ready 24/7/365 . Key findings of the report. Emergency Rooms : The Health Ministry set a target for triage speed: the nurse check-up time in the Emergency Room from arrival should not exceed 12 minutes. The fastest hospital is Laniado Hospital in Netanya, where the average triage time is 4 minutes. Jerusalem Post, June 2024

New hospital English website !!!!

While the Supporters already have a website about our organization and all fundraising and social programs ( we are happy to announce that the hospital now has a dedicated website providing English speakers with information about the large array of doctors, departments, clinics and ways to make appointments.

Here is the website:


From the bottom of our hearts!

Good news for heart and lung patients. We have opened a new clinic for heart failure and

treatments, such as catheterization or implantation of a smart pacemaker, if necessary. The clinic will also provide: • Comprehensive tracking servi ces • Echocardiograms • Lung function tests • Lung mapping In this way, patients from Netanya and the Sharon area will be able to receive professional and advanced treatment without having to travel to the center of the country. It is important to us to make it easier for you, and make sure you get the very best medical services close to home. Please welcome Dr. Ben Sade!! To schedule an appointment, please call: 09-860-9336 weeks Tamara kept the surprise a secret, and then, when Nirel came home for a short break, she told him the exciting news that they are expecting no less than a trio . Having received the good news, Tamara underwent strict and professional pregnancy monitoring. While Nirel was in the reserves she came along for a check up to the multiple pregnancy clinic in Laniado Hospital . The clinic is headed by Dr. Yael Pasternak and the gynecological ultra-sound institute is head by Dr Nir Duvdevani . “The moment they told me the pregnancy was of triplets, it was a huge shock. I tried to adapt myself to the situation, all alone, my husband Nirel was far away in Gaza. I wanted to allow him this amazing experience when I was by his side. It wasn’t easy to wait for him, but it was worth keeping it a secret !” - said Tamara. The triplets received dedicated care for quite a while in pre-term care in Laniado Hospital until their release this week. The father, Nirel, concluded with emotion, “ I think life stronger than anything. This is our strength as a Jewish people, to raise our heads above all the pains and disaster. After all the sorrow there is also joy. This is not only our joy but the joy of all the people of Israel.” We wish the Damati family luck three times over, with lots of health and happiness.

pulmonary hypertension , led by Dr. Ben Sade , an expert with extensive experience in the field , who comes to Laniado from the Ichilov Medical Center in Tel Aviv. The new outpatient clinic will allow patients in the Sharon area to receive medical consultations and treatments at the highest level, close to their home and without having to wait a long time for an appointment. The new clinic will offer innovative treatments for patients with severe pulmonary hypertension and provide the possibility of performing invasive

Mazal tov x 3!!!

Lt. Col. Nirel Damati and his wife, Tamara, were finally discharged from the Maternity

Ward of Laniado

Hospital and went home with an amazing gift –

triplets . About a week and half ago, we warmly hugged and discharged a trio of sweet babies born at Laniado and this week another trio was released, the Damati family from Moshav Maor. Warm congratulations on the release of the trio – a son and two daughters. Nirel, a lieutenant colonel in the reserves and CEO of Altron Company, served in the Gaza Division as an Operations Division officer . On October 7 th , Nirel was drafted into the IDF reserves and for about five months was part of the complex combat. His wife Tamara received the news of the triple pregnancy while she was at home and Nirel was deep in Gaza, for two


2023-2024 Scholarship & Award Presentations

The presentation of Scholarships and Awards to students of the Tessler Academic School of Nursing , and nurses working in Laniado Hospital doing specialty courses took place on Wednesday 29 th May 2024. Over 70 scholarships were distributed. Tony Plaskow , board member of the Supporters, welcomed the students, nurses and guests. Eli Knoller , Director of development & Community Relations then spoke and welcomed Nadav Chen , Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital to speak. This was followed by Dr Ester Strauss the menahelet of the Nursing School .

This year’s guest speaker was the Director of Nurses Services, Shimrit Rony . Shimrit was a student of the Nursing School and explained why she chose to become a nurse. This was due to her son being born with a problem and having to undergo several surgeries. Shimrit even brought her son, now 14 years old, with her. Shmirit passed her exams with the best results of her year. Shira Kosovski , a student of the school thanked the donors, in fluent English.

Our thanks go to:

Our Anonymous Donors ; The Angel Sara Abecassis ע"ה Memorial Scholarships donated in loving memory by her husband, Pierre Shlomo Abecassis ז"ל ; The Golda (Brown) & Harry Krakowsky Scholarships donated in loving memory of Al G. & Shirley Brown & David Brown ז"ל ; The Barbara & Jonathan Moont Scholarships , Donated in loving memory of Barbara's aunt, Rachel Fishman - רחל בת אהרון זלמן ע"ה , who died in the Second World War; Barbara's uncle, Boris Fishman, דוד בן אהרון זלמן ז"ל who was in the Royal Air Force in WW2; our mechutan, Avner Ben Yair - אבנר בן יאיר ז"ל , who was killed in the Yom Kippur War. The Leah Endee and Michael Friedenberg Scholarships, Donated in loving memory of Rachel Endee ע"ה רחל אנדי The Dr Maxwell Abrahams ז"ל Memorial Scholarship, Donated in loving memory by his wife Enid & family The Diana & Gerald Barnett Scholarship to show their appreciation of the office and all the staff at Laniado The Idit Ben Bassat Scholarship; The Jill & David Birns Scholarship; The Phillipa & Mitch Caller Scholarship , Donated in loving memory of Mitch's parents ז"ל , חנה ריבא בת יעקוב ליב וזיסל בן שרגא ז"ל ; The Judge Myrella Cohen Q.C & Lt. Col. Mordaunt Cohen MBE ז"ל Memorial Scholarship, Donated in loving memory by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren The Issy Cohen ז"ל Memorial Scholarship, Donated in loving memory by his wife, Tirzah The Hilary & Jeff Dritz Scholarship, Donated in loving memory of Hilary 's father , Alexander Gabai ז"ל The Talyah Fabian & Frank Fabian Memorial Scholarship, Donated in loving memory by Margaret, Danielle Mariska & Paul Fabian & family; The Gillian & Ian Fine Scholarship; The Carol L. Flatto Scholarship, In loving memory of her mother, Elaine, Etta bat Gisella v"Eliezer ז"ל ; The Nancy & Dov Friedberg Scholarship; The Gardens of Netanya Lodge 67 Scholarship The Chava & George Goddard Memorial Scholarship, Donated by in loving memory by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; The Rose & Paul Gotley Memorial Scholarship, Donated by their daughter Andrea; The Hazel & Colin Green Scholarship; The Eva Hammelburger Scholarship, Donated in loving memory of her husband Michael, ז"ל The Rona Harris Scholarship, Donated in loving memory of her beloved husband Rabbi Judah J Harris ז"ל & her son, Mitchell Elliot Harris ז"ל ; The Hirschfeld Family Scholarship, Donated in in memory of Edith & Rudolph Tessler ז"ל ; The Leonard Klahr Scholarship; The Rosemary & Harry Klahr Scholarship The Charles Jackson ז"ל Memorial Scholarships, Donated in loving memory by his family The Sylvia Webber ע"ה Memorial Scholarships, Donated in loving memory by her family


2023-2024 Scholarship & Award Presentations continued

The Judith & Patrice Klein Scholarship; The Lainie & Barry Klein Scholarship; The Celia & Kurt Koppel ז"ל Memorial Scholarship, Donated by their children Herbert & Pauline Koppel; The Doris & Ernie Cohen ז"ל Memorial Scholarship, Donated by their children Herbert & Pauline Koppel The Gerald Levy ז"ל Memorial Scholarship, Donated by in loving memory by his wife Rita, son David and daughter Sharon and their families; The Vanessa & Jonathan Marks Scholarship, The Meadows Family Scholarship; The Medics of Laniado Scholarship; The Tonya & Danny Myers Scholarship, The Leanne & Winston Newman Scholarship, Donated in loving memory of Stella Weinstein ע"ה ; The Irene & Stanley Ross Scholarship, Donated in loving memory of Stanley ’s brother, Dr Rufus M Ross ז"ל ; The Marlene & Michael Roston Scholarship,The Anita Royston Scholarship, Donated in loving memory of her beloved husband, Sandy (Shmuel Avraham ben Zvi Yaacov ז"ל ; The Helen & Richard Stareshefsky Scholarship; Mr. Mordechai & Dr Chani Tessler Scholarship, Donated in memory of R’ Tzvi ben R’ Yehoshua v’Raayaso ז"ל & R’ Naftali ben R’ Shlomo v’Raayaso ז"ל ; The Vivienne & Malcolm Turner Scholarship, Donated in memory of Janette Cline ע"ה ; The Joseph B. & Adele Weinberger Memorial Scholarship, Donated in loving memory by their son Fred & family; The Gizah & Zalman Fisher Scholarships, Donated in loving memory of their parents, Hans & Hadassah Reich ז"ל and Dov & Tsharna Fisher ז"ל

Shimrit Rony, Director of Nursing Services with her son

All the students and visitors at the ceremony

From l: to r: Eli Knoller, Director of Development & Community Relations Dr Ester Strauss the menahelet of the Nursing School and Shira Kovoski a student of the school


2023-2024 Scholarship & Award Presentations continued

Nadav Chen, Chief Executive Officer, Laniado Hospital

From r: to l: student receiving scholarship from the The Gardens of Netanya Lodge 67, Elkan Levy, Master, Ivor Carr and Philip Weiner

Tony Plaskow, Board Member of Supporters


New Orleans Dixieland Jazz Benefit Concert featuring the internationally acclaimed

IsraDixie Band 16 th June 2024 To help fund a new missile-protected Maternity Room at Laniado Hospital

Henry Hirsch ז"ל Henry Hirsch ז"ל was a Holocaust survivor who, despite enduring

unimaginable hardships during World War II, chose to embrace life with resilience and strength. He built a new life as a devoted husband to his wonderful wife Renie , father to 3 sons, and a distinguished executive at IBM, a rare achievement for Jews in those times. His life is a testament to the rebirth and perseverance of the Jewish nation, making this concert and project a fitting tribute to his legacy . This benefit concert aims to support the construction of a new missile-protected maternity room in the Maternity Gimmel department at Laniado Hospital in Netanya. The hospital serves 500,000 people in our community and the surrounding region, and this new facility will provide much-needed safety and care for mothers and newborns .

Henry & Renie

P -HQ 7WEO4p5

" The IsraDixie Band was formed in 1979 by Trumpet player, Avraham (Agashkin) Felder, who immigrated to Israel from Russia in the early 70s. The first band included Soprano Saxophonist Jacques Sanigo (Sany), originally from Algiers, and Merton Cahm, Tenor Saxophone and Clarinet, who arrived from England in the early 60s. The band's repertoire was based mainly on the traditional New Orleans style. The band soon became popular owing to its high professional standard of playing. The majority of the arrangements was, and still is, written by Avraham Felder. Its genuine traditional Jazz music is filled with the characteristics of New Orleans and Dixieland style. It makes you feel like being in the times of "Gone with the Wind" in the 1920s! An interesting and important element of the make-up of the band is the diversity of the backgrounds of its present members, who have been together for many years."

The IsraDixie Band"

Avraham Felder (Band leader, Trumpet & Flugelhorn) Paul Moore (Voice & Washboard) Amir David (Drums) Aharoni Benary (Banjo) Udi Raz (Tuba) Dumitry Shurin (Saxophone & Clarinet) Vitaly Estrin (Trombone) Jacques Sanigo (Soprano Saxophonist)



Thank you to Kehillat Tefillat Ya m im for hosting the event and the following Sponsors

Best of luck to Laniado Hospital & thank you for all the great work you do On behalf of the citizens of Israel! Am Yisroel Chai!! Mark, Jill & family Hirsch

In honour of the barmitzvah of our son Josh & with thanks to Laniado Hospital, Eli & Sue for the wonderful care given to our father(in-law)

Michelle & Brian Rosen

Bracha v ’ hatzlocha from Debbie and Hershey

In loving memory of Henry Hirsch ז"ל Leah & Yitzhak Haze In fond memory of my dear friend Henry Hirsch ז"ל Tony Levine

In fond memories of Henry ז"ל Good friend to our parents

We wish you a successful evening. Good luck with your fundraising for such a fabulous cause Anne & Malcolm Gordon Moshe Hertz In honor of the tzadik Mark Hirsch, chazak ubaruch In loving memory of Henry Hirsch ז"ל , Alan Wasserman & family

In honor of Laniado Hospital and all you do

Sara & Jeremy Rosenstein

Joseph Family

Jeffrey Wiesenthal – Yasher Koach – Am Yisrael Chai!!

Alisa & Jonathan Gellis

David Paley

In loving memory of Henry Hirsch ז"ל , Gillian & Ian Fine

Vivienne & Charles Simenoff

Paul & Diane Kutner

In loving memory of Henry Hirsch ז"ל Audrey Adler – in fond memory we hope you have a successful event

Ruth & David Levy Grazia Limantani Marc Millner Elena Modiano

Rabbi Norman Amsel Michelle & Michael Annis Therese Berkowitz & Fred Gorsetman Myra & Jack Bluestein

Caroline & Martin Moser Susan & Bernard Olsburgh Judith Rose Sara Rosenstein Mottle Shaw Chaya Shitrit and husband Aron Shrur Nurit Shulman Frances & Stanley Urman Anne Lee Weiner Doranne & Barry Weiss

Hilary & Jeff Dritz Judy & Tzuri Dvir Sara Fafbon Stanley & Harry Falk Eric Feust

Riki & George Freudenstein Rachel & Natan Giinsbury Rona Harris Marlene Knepler Mr & Mrs Michael Krantz Michael Levi

Marilynn Bright in memory of her parents, Barbara & Harvey Neiman ז"ל



Wishing you a long life- Ad 120 Traditionally, we wish our friends a long life, ad 120, (until 120) which was the age Moshe Rabbeinu was when he passed away. We would like to remind our friends around the world, regardless of their age or health, of the great importance of advanced estate planning. Failure to do so might allow the State to use your assets in ways you might not have wanted. We encourage our friends and supporters to apply long-lasting legacy gifts to mid-long term projects at Laniado Hospital , where we will continue to serve the People of Israel for generations to come. Two such projects planned in the coming years are the new sheltered Emergency Department (4,000 sq. meters) and the Hospital Tower (40,000 sq. meters), to be built at a cost of over $250 million. For more details on the various opportunities, please feel free to confidentially contact Eli Knoller on 052-634-5741 or The people of Israel will thank you. SHOW YOU CARE & HELP THE HOSPITAL GREETING CARDS AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES If you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary or any other simcha and invite your friends and family recommend they donate to the Supporters in lieu of giving a gift. The same thing if you commemorate a yahrzeit, or if you are invited out for, or going away for Shabbat

The Supporters Greeting cards are an ideal way of giving a gift and at the same time helping to heal the sick and save lives.

The greeting cards are available and can be emailed through our digital E-card page. We also have new cards printed for anyone who wants to buy them. Contact any of the people on the Reference Sheet on page two or the office – or go on line and send digitally .


The Supporters wish a Refuah Shlemah to all civilians and IDF soldiers Injured in the Sword of Iron war In addition we wish a Refuah Shlemah to our friends who were hospitalized In Laniado : Blossom Copperman Karen Federbush Helen Waingard Janice Zemmel

Deborah Hamou Stephen Levine Lynette Levius Ian Marks

Eileen Fishman Marshall Grant

The Supporters wish Condolences to:

Eli Knoller – Director of Development & Community Affairs - Laniado on the passing of his beloved son Nadav Elchanan ז"ל who fell in Gaza.

Mildred Adler

on the passing of her beloved husband, David ז"ל

Jeanette Cannon and her

on the passing of their beloved husband and father and grandfather

sons, Graham, Jonny & Adam and families

Raymond ז"ל

Paula Edery

on the passing of her beloved sister, Trinette Bialystock-Tugendhaft ע,ה on the passing of his beloved sister Sarah Ben Dayan ע"ה on the passing of their beloved wife, mother and grandmother,

Marcos Mashiah

Mike Plaskow and his sons Baruch & Jeffrey & families

Frances ע"ה Colin Richman & Rozi Florsheim on the passing of their beloved mother, grandmother and great grand- & families mother, Claire Richman ע"ה Rochelle Veeder & family on the passing of their beloved husband, father and grandfather, Moshe ז"ל

May the family be comforted along with all those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem To make a donation in memory of ____z"l

The Supporters wish Mazal Tov to:

on the occasion of their 60 th Wedding Anniversary

Diana & Gerald Barnett Diane & Paul Kutner

on the barmitzvah of a grandson General Donations – used this time for the new Sheltered Maternity C Department Maureen Bender Zelda & Sender Lees Beverley S White

Memorial Donations received for: Nadav Elchanan Knoller ז"ל

Andee Goldman Elkan Levy

Marlene & Stuart Horowitz Fred Krauze

Devorah Ohayon Batsheva & Stanley Mittleman

Shari & Ken Schwartz


Memorial Donations received from:

Mildred Adler

in memory of her brother, Charles Elliman ז"ל

Myra & Jack Bluestein Susan & Michael Gilbert

in loving memory of Myra’s cousin, Moshe Brodetsky ז"ל

on the yahrzeit of his uncle, Mark ז"ל

Betty Olswang Mike Plaskow

in loving memory of her parents and husband, Peter ז"ל

in loving memory of his wife, Frances ע"ה

Anna Rossenfelder Ellen & Paul Scott

in memory of her dear parents Chaskel & Sara Sibler ז"ל

for Yoram Shoshtari in memory of his mother Esther Shoshtari ע"ה who was a nurse in the NICU Laniado. in loving memory of her dear mother Marjorie Noyek ע"ה on ther 19 th yahrzeit and for Susan Gilbert on her brother David ז"ל 's yahrzeit

Thelma Simmons

Dr Andrew Woolf

in loving memory of his mother, Bessie ע"ה on heryahrzeit Refuah Shlemah donations received from:

Sara Rosenstein

for Eileen Fishman

Birthday donations received for:

Sharon Carr on her birthday Ruth & Mervyn Leviton Sandra Rabinowitz

Alexandra Stuart On her birthday Phyllis & Martin Carr Sue Levy

Ivor Lewis on his 95 th birthday Caroline & Martin Moser Shari & Ken Schwartz

Jackie Jacobs on her birthday Ruth & Mervyn Leviton Sandra Rabinowitz

Cally Collins on her 60th birthday Vivienne & Charlie Simenoff Shelley & Malcolm Singer

Susan Gilbert 0n her birthday

Mildred & David Adler Patricia & Michael Enoch (for Children’s Hospital)

Birthday donations received from:

Patricia & Michael Enoch

for Martin Simmons on his birthday (for Children’s Hospital)

for Andy Kormornick on his 70 th birthday, Harry Sager on his 75 th birthday and Janet Elkoubi on her 70th birthday

Joanne & Ed Epstein

for Joe Altshul on his 80 th birthay for Michael Enoch on his birthday for Gillian Silas on her 80 th birthday

Avril & Neville Gatoff Susan & Michael Gilbert Clarice & Tony Hanstater Marcia & Nate Peretzman

for Zunny Zimman on his 65 th birthday and Penny Leboff on her 75 th birthday for Alwyn Shulman on a special birthday and Diana Jacobs on her birthday and Trevor on his special birthday Engagement/Marriage donations received from:

Thelma Simmons

Joanne & Ed Epstein

for Ilana & Chaim on their marriage

Laura Shuck

for Therese Berkowitz & Fred Gorsetman on their marriage Wedding Anniversary Donations received from : 60 th (Diamond) Wedding Anniversary

Hazel & Jaques Broch Ruth & Jack Rubins

for Phyllis & John Graham & Ita & Dr David Rubenstein

for Diana & Gerald Barnet with love

Golden Wedding Anniversary

Joanne & Ed Epstein

for Janet & Denis Elkoubi


Wedding Anniversary Donations received from : General Wedding Anniversaries

Patricia & Michael Enoch for Susan & Michael Gilbert on their anniversary (for Children’s Hospital) Susan & Michael Gilbertfor Mildred & David Adler & Patricia & Michael Enoch on their anniversaries Liz & Elliott Knopf for Joanne & Ed Epstein on their anniversary Elaine & Eric Smith on their 56 th Wedding Anniversary General Contributions from: Una & Edwin Alkin donation Toni Hyams to thank Ed Epstein for his amazing friendship Anita Leigh to thank Naomi & Stuart West Rabbi & Mrs Y Katz general Sue Levy

for Jennie & Len Gold stone, on Len’s birthday and new book and their Aliyah anniv ersary mazal tov to Avril Gatoff & Vivienne Simenoff on being chosen Nashei Chayil of the Young Israel of North Netanya on Shavuot

Sandra Rabinowitz

Vivienne & Charlie Simenoff

to thank Dr Geoffrey Pollak for his invaluable help

Thelma Simmons

to wish a happy,healthy & meaningful New Year to Patricia & Michael Enoch, Hilary & Stephen Fagan, Nurit & Alwyn Shulman, Susan & Michel Gilbert and Dana & Trevor Jacobs

Diana & Stephen Ucko

thanks to Laniado for their care in the Emergency Room

Donations from the Supporters of Laniado Tzedakah Boxes

Belinda & Graham Calvert Sharon & Ivor Carr Jennie & Len Goldstein Jackie & Mike Jacobs Marlene Knepler Tommy Nachman Nitza Chemist Naomi & Stuart West Are your children and grandchildren learning the importance of the mitzvah of their giving tzedakah in the merit of healing the sick who are in need of a refuah shlemah? To ask for a Supporters tzedakah box for your home or a local business or to empty your box contact Stephanie Plaskow – 054-643-9062 or

Our grateful thanks to Ephry Eder for the first donation of money he received for sales of this book. Please help us by buying a copy of the book.



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