magazine rh 5785

New Orleans Dixieland Jazz Benefit Concert featuring the internationally acclaimed

IsraDixie Band 16 th June 2024 To help fund a new missile-protected Maternity Room at Laniado Hospital

Henry Hirsch ז"ל Henry Hirsch ז"ל was a Holocaust survivor who, despite enduring

unimaginable hardships during World War II, chose to embrace life with resilience and strength. He built a new life as a devoted husband to his wonderful wife Renie , father to 3 sons, and a distinguished executive at IBM, a rare achievement for Jews in those times. His life is a testament to the rebirth and perseverance of the Jewish nation, making this concert and project a fitting tribute to his legacy . This benefit concert aims to support the construction of a new missile-protected maternity room in the Maternity Gimmel department at Laniado Hospital in Netanya. The hospital serves 500,000 people in our community and the surrounding region, and this new facility will provide much-needed safety and care for mothers and newborns .

Henry & Renie

P -HQ 7WEO4p5

" The IsraDixie Band was formed in 1979 by Trumpet player, Avraham (Agashkin) Felder, who immigrated to Israel from Russia in the early 70s. The first band included Soprano Saxophonist Jacques Sanigo (Sany), originally from Algiers, and Merton Cahm, Tenor Saxophone and Clarinet, who arrived from England in the early 60s. The band's repertoire was based mainly on the traditional New Orleans style. The band soon became popular owing to its high professional standard of playing. The majority of the arrangements was, and still is, written by Avraham Felder. Its genuine traditional Jazz music is filled with the characteristics of New Orleans and Dixieland style. It makes you feel like being in the times of "Gone with the Wind" in the 1920s! An interesting and important element of the make-up of the band is the diversity of the backgrounds of its present members, who have been together for many years."

The IsraDixie Band"

Avraham Felder (Band leader, Trumpet & Flugelhorn) Paul Moore (Voice & Washboard) Amir David (Drums) Aharoni Benary (Banjo) Udi Raz (Tuba) Dumitry Shurin (Saxophone & Clarinet) Vitaly Estrin (Trombone) Jacques Sanigo (Soprano Saxophonist)


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